But if your watery discharge feels like I peed myself, it could be a hormonal imbalance. A woman's menstrual fluid is called menses and will often have a clear to white color. K Healths AI-powered app is HIPAA compliant and is based on 20 years of clinical data. Its pretty normal, but the watery discharge you feel like I pee myself could result from anything from an infection to hormonal changes. Vaginal discharge: evaluation and management in primary care. This changes occurs in such a way that the cervix and the vaginal wall get more soft that they were under normal conditions leading to increased vaginal discharge that might make you feel like you peed yourself. This act can potentially interfere with the normal vagina flora. Your genitals may feel warm, and your underwear may feel damp, moist, or soaked. When Jessica isnt writing, she can usually be found reading a book with a dog cuddled in her lap. Also, I have to go to the loo frequently. If you have a yellow watery discharge that feels like you peed yourself, consult your doctor. Your oestrogen levels increase during ovulation which may contribute to you having watery discharge. On the other hand, if you notice a rush of water in the last stage of your pregnancy, chances are that labor has started. Reviewed by Dr. Iryna Ilyich Treatment will depend on the underlying cause. If you're experiencing the sensation of peeing a release of your bladder with urine passing through your urethra and then realize that it's actually vaginal discharge, it's definitely time to see your doctor. Before the physical examination, your doctor might ask you some questions like: After the questions, the doctor might take a sample of the discharge to test for infection, and recommend treatment if necessary. To facilitate fertilization, the female reproductive system produces a clear egg like discharge. Menstruation (period): Others may experience a brown dark watery discharge before or after a period. But if you are experiencing excess or changing color/viscosity (thickness), especially accompanied by fever and pain in the abdomen or pelvis, then make sure to get checked out! Hi. When sexually aroused, your body produces a clear, watery discharge. This, though, is not the case for the vaginal flora we refer to in medicine, and that is completely okay! Learn how your comment data is processed. How to Reduce Breast Size Naturally Without Surgery. Prevalence and antifungal susceptibility of Candida albicans causing vaginal discharge among pregnant women in Lebanon. Discharges with white, cottage cheese texture also require a visit to the physician. We and our partners use data for Personalised ads and content, ad and content measurement, audience insights and product development. Symptoms of PID may include watery discharge, pelvic pain, and fever. Others hear a popping noise followed by leakage. You see, most people learn that urine (the fancy word for pee) comes out of the urethra, and for several decades, menstrual blood can come out of the vagina. Really don't want to have to go back to the hospital again if this really just is my normal amount of discharge. Watery discharge that feels like pee comes out of the vagina and makes one wonder if one has peed herself. Vaginal Douching Should Be Avoided: 02, 2023, Jessica Guht Feb. 28, 2023. (2018). Reply 20+ Similar Discussions Found Oldest First Whitleym1 There are many causes of watery vag*nal discharge. However, it has been proven scientifically that intake of antibiotics tends to kill this microbial flora and this in many ways alters its function in the body of females and when the number of these microbial Flora is reduced, it will be easy for yeast to come into the vagina. This happens because more blood flows to the vag*nal during arousal which can stimulate the discharge of sexual lubricating fluids. sometimes it's a bit creamy color or kind of white too. Discuss it with your doctor to find out what is going on with your body. When ovulating, the egg moves down your fallopian tube and stays there for 12-24 hours before being fertilized. Yellow discharge pregnancyIf you notice yellow vaginal discharge, it could indicate infection. (2019). A major accompanying symptom is the strong, irritating smell of rotten fish which can follow the whitish or grayish discharge. Though pretty self-explanatory, the game is rigged against those who have no choice but to play it. One very important way of avoiding vaginal infections is to avoid douching. Do you feel any pain in your pelvis, back, or abdomen? To view the purposes they believe they have legitimate interest for, or to object to this data processing use the vendor list link below. Pinkish DischargePink discharge can occur any time during your cycle, but its most commonly seen before or during menstruation. This can interfere with the normal vag*na flora. Brown discharge is usually not a cause for alarm especially if it is after menstruation. This is because the hormones in the contraceptive thicken the cervical fluid. Thick or cheesy like vaginal discharge or bleeding and spotting that occurs when youre not on your period is also cause for concern. PCOS is a condition that which the ovaries are surrounded by lots of immature follicles. "You'll know something is off," says Dr. Gaither. I know watery discharge is common and the amount varies among women. Ironically, that discharge is often compared to egg whites clear, white, stretchy, and thin. Remnants of uterine tissues could also be expelled from the uterus as brownish discharge. Normal watery discharge is clear or white and has only a mild odor. . In the middle of your cycle, when your ovaries release an egg, your body will typically produce more discharge to help sperm reach the egg. This infection is commonly called vag*nal candidiasis or thrush. Watery Discharge Feels Like I Peed Myself. What should I do about it (watery discharge feels like I peed myself)? During menopause, clear, watery discharge that feels like you peed yourself can signify vaginal atrophy: a condition that causes the vaginal walls to gradually thin. Vaginal discharge can begin about six months to one year before a girl gets her period. It may also be that you are close to that time of the month ovulation. In fact, you will instead want to watch for any changes in your discharge, as this may signal infection. However, infections such as STIs, yeast infections, or bacterial vaginosis can cause a change in the color or odor of vaginal discharge. Rao, V., & Mahmood, T. (2020). Youre about to learn some of the most hidden facts your doctor never shared with you before. Skip the unnecessary waiting room, see a board-certified clinician now. Can Pregnancy Cause Watery Discharge Watery Discharge Feels Like I Peed Myself Pregnancy? This discharge is the best for the sperm . Its possible that youre ovulating at this period. The doctor may recommend oral or topical medications to get rid of candidiasis. The difference in vaginal discharge depends on the time in your menstrual cycle or the presence of an infection. However, it is especially important to be on the lookout for unusual discharges during pregnancy. Also, ensure that your underwear is ironed and changed often, once or twice daily. White or cloudy discharge is normal during pregnancy. If you are unsure if your vaginal discharge is typical or are concerned about it, an online doctor is a great way to quickly gain guidance on your vaginal discharge. Watery discharge can also be a sign of ovulation because vaginal discharge changes during the menstrual cycle. . Glands inside your vagina and cervix create vaginal discharge to carry away dead cells and bacteria. The normal discharge tends to be mucus-like and will not soak a pad or panty liner. There's a good chance it has something to do with your pelvic floor: a group of muscles in the base of your pelvis that supports the organs in that part of the body, including the bladder, vagina, uterus, and rectum. i dont work or have insurance so i cant go to the doctor . However, if you notice any foul smell or changes in color, call your doctor immediately. Discharge in candidiasis is often whitish, and cheesy but has no odor except mixed with infections from other microbes. This includes an increase in vaginal discharge while your hormones adjust. This mucus plug will be inside your cervix, and it will serve to protect the fetus. It is important to note that the amount of discharge depends on certain factors, including the phase of the menstrual cycle and this can occur at any age. Well, fear not: It's the American approach to sex education that's broken not you. Vaginal discharge is common in healthy women, but when it occurs more frequently than usual, it could indicate an underlying health issue. Sometimes a watery discharge that feels like you peed yourself can be a sign or symptom of a sexually transmitted disease (STD). If the discharge is because of infections, your doctor may prescribe some antibiotics and topical creams like clindamycin, miconazole, etc. The vagina is an organ that cleans itself. The discharge one has may change depending on what time of the menstrual cycle it is. The whitish discharge could occur as a result of infection with the fungi called Candida Albicans. To protect the womb, the body increases its production of vaginal discharge to help stop infections from traveling through the vagina to the uterus. To Buy High-Quality Sanitary Products Visit Amazon. In addition, to prevent Watery discharge feels like I peed myself, make sure you wear tight, cotton underwear and avoid anything synthetic. By subscribing to this BDG newsletter, you agree to our. Hi. Those with vaginal yeast infections often notice a change in vaginal discharge, which will appear thick, odor-free, and white, resembling cottage cheese. Night. This infection is also linked to poor personal hygiene. The following are some of the major causes of watery discharge: Hormonal imbalances and fluctuations can cause watery discharge that looks like you are urinating on yourself. Contacting your healthcare provider would also be appropriate if there was an STI involved. How to Make Your Breast Grow Bigger Overnight FAST! Did you know you can access online urgent care with K Health? The body can also produce up to 30 times more mucus leading up to ovulation than it does after ovulation. Watery Discharge: Feels Like I Peed Myself, How to Shrink Fibroids Fast Using Natural Remedies, 10 Delightful Health Benefits Of Cucumber For Women, 10 Useful Health Benefits of Avocado for Women, Natural Lactation Supplements To Increase Milk Supply, 10 healthful Foods That Will Help You Conceive Twins, Cryptic Pregnancy In Nigeria: What You Should Know, 10 Amazing Heart-Healthy Foods In Nigeria, 10 Super Health Benefits of Irish Potatoes, 10 Healthy Nigerian Foods for Ulcer Patients, 10 Awesome Health Benefits of Pepper Fruit. It's best to empty your bladder in a nearby bathroom, wear a sanitary pad or pantyliner, and then check for any leakage of fluid. K Health articles are all written and reviewed by MDs, PhDs, NPs, or PharmDs and are for informational purposes only. The consent submitted will only be used for data processing originating from this website. This discharge accumulates at the entrance of the cervical canal in the early stage of pregnancy. If your watery discharge is normal, it comes from the vagina to keep it clean and protect it from infections. Vaginal discharge can start one year before a person with a vagina starts their period. Because of this, some women may find they have more clear to white discharge during pregnancy, and . https://www.doi.org/10.11622/smedj.2020088, https://www.womenshealth.gov/hiv-and-aids/women-and-hiv, https://www.doi.org/10.1016/j.ogrm.2019.10.004, https://www.doi.org/10.1186/s12879-019-4736-2, https://www.doi.org/10.1016/j.mpmed.2018.03.006. Most common signs and symptoms of hormonal imbalance in women are irregular periods, fatigue, thinning hair, thinning skin on the face and body, and watery vaginal discharge. Clear DischargeIts normal to have a bit of clear watery discharge near the time of ovulation. But if a significant, sudden rush of fluid comes out of your vagina during the later stages of pregnancy, it could be your water breaking (even if you're not fully to term). The difference in vaginal discharge depends on the time in your menstrual cycle or the presence of an infection. These symptoms might include irritation, itchiness, and pain. Some people detect pressure when their water breaks. Additionally, as you get closer to your due date, your discharge will likely become heavier, which is a sign that your body is preparing for labor.