Despite what you may have heard on the Discovery Channel back in the day, true ocean experts say that there is no way the megalodon still exists in the deep oceans. There's a problem with this. I think it s possible that this creature is still a live at least 99% in the bottom of the Mariana trench with all stuff i have read that is where the last Megalodon shark really is. That means even a 100-foot meg may not have weighed as much as a blue whale. The timing is everything. For now, megalodon is considered to be extinct. Precisely when the last megalodon died out is not known, but it was sometime between 3.6 and 2.6 million years ago. Megalodon fossil evidence from around 20 million years ago provides us with the answer. ", Another added: Our oceans are huge and there are vast areas that are still unexplored. What If We Woke Up Volcanoes to Fight Climate Change? "The extinction of O. megalodon was previously thought to be related to this marine mass extinction - but in reality, we now know the two are not immediately related,"explainslead author Robert Boessenecker, a vertebrate paleontologist at the College of Charleston in South Carolina. There is an invisible force protecting us, keeping our atmosphere in place. However, there are also scientists who say the lineage of this apex predator stretches back even further. The only part of the megalodon fossils that remain is the teeth. The earliest fossils of megalodon date back more than 23 million years, making it very unlikely that the species is still alive today. By comparison, that's about 6,000 feet deeper than Mount Everest is tall. Megalodon sharks preferred warmer waters, and if they were still alive, we could definitely see them. Is there a megalodon alive today? No scientific evidence, today, supports such statements. It's a juicy bit of ancient history that has inspired a host of books, documentaries and blockbuster films, some of which like to imagine that this bloody thirsty monster is still alive today, lurking somewhere out there in the mysterious deep. This is the world 200 million years ago. But this diet plan would not work for this ancient, warm-water-dwelling apex predator. The killer predator was three times longer and 40 times heavier than the largest ever recorded great white shark. Sign up for a Mirror newsletter here. Here's a comparison of the shark in the video and another sleeper shark: While the shark in the video is indeed large, it would be considered rather small if it were actually a megalodon. The Mariana Trench is about as remote as it gets, and even a massive shark would be very hard to find. Millions of years ago, the megalodon shark was one of the scariest creatures to ever lurk in our seas. What if the megalodon was alive today? Could the Megalodon still be alive? She added the megalodon would not be able to survive in the cold waters of the deep, where it would stand a better chance of going unnoticed. At that depth, the only life is tiny amphipods, which wouldn't even rate as a snack for Megalodon. They believe the massive megalodon- focus of the new Jason Statham film The Meg - has successfully evaded detection for millions of years. We use your sign-up to provide content in the ways you've consented to and improve our understanding of you. Or by navigating to the user icon in the top right. We see this possibility at other locations where Megalodon is said to still exist. Beyond all that, the megalodon lived in warm waters rather than the colder waters close to the Arctic. It was also likely that it ate other sharks. An example of data being processed may be a unique identifier stored in a cookie. Youll find out soon! Some of these whale skeletons include fossil shark teeth in them, which likely broke off during a predator-prey battle a few million years back. View our online Press Pack. There are no "official" sightings on record. As for where ol' Meg lives perhaps he just roams the seas like a great white. Far to the east, the new ocean floor is created by volcanic activity. The coelacanth fish is one such creature. But perhaps not if they lived in the deepest place on Earth: the Mariana Trench.TIMESTAMPS:What the name Megalodon means 1:49Megalodons size 3:26The deepest spot on Earth 4:13Could Megalodon live in the Mariana Trench 5:00How many people reached Challenger Deep in the Mariana Trench 6:39#megalodon #marianatrench #megMusic: SUMMARY:- The Megalodon shark roamed the oceans as early as 23 million years ago, and we have their fossils to prove their existence. 679215 Registered office: 1 London Bridge Street, London, SE1 9GF. Contact us at our 100 best episodes in one mind-blowing book: this channel to get access to perks: out our other shows:How to Survive: Body on: Creatures: more what-if scenarios: Planet Earth: Cosmos: Body: and merch: an episode: If elsewhere: Instagram: If in Spanish: If in Mandarin: If is a mini-documentary web series that takes you on an epic journey through hypothetical worlds and possibilities. Megalodon ( Carcharocles megalodon) is the largest shark, at a magnificent maximum length of 18 meters (59 feet), to ever have dwelled in the oceans. Does the Megalodon Shark still live, deep in the Mariana Trench? Find out more, Contact Advertise Licensing Newsletter Privacy Policy Cookie Policy Terms of ServiceOur Production Process. cryptid (author) from USA on May 14, 2015: Interesting thought, John. The fossils of the megalodon are from the beginning of the world. Science tells us that Megalodon sharks are extinct. Two million years ago, the megalodon was tearing into the equivalent of one-and-a-half cows a day. So how does a coastal predator go from munching on whales, pinnipeds, and massive turtles near shore to eating deep-diving creatures in the Marina Trench? Getting bitten by this beast would feel like being crushed by three African elephants stacked on top of each other. For example, an image from 2016 appeared to show a 60-foot shark in Japans Suruga Bay. Located in the Western Pacific, it runs for over 1,500 miles but averages only a bit more than 40 miles across. "We propose that this short overlap (3.6-4 million years ago) was sufficient time for great white sharks to spread worldwide and outcompeteO. megalodonthroughout its range, driving it to extinction-rather than radiation from outer space,"saysBoessenecker. Although this may sound outlandish, the discovery of "extinct" animals happens frequently enough that it has its own term. Another reason megalodon fossils don't contain skeletons is that shark skeletons are made of cartilage, which is the same material found in our ears and nose. Another Last Known Megalodon Seen Diving in the Gulf of Mexico. But we must not shrug off the fact that we still do not know a majority of our deep sea including the trench. A video shows a Megaladon Shark at the bottom of the Mariana Trench. However, some say the shark in the video bears a strong resemblance to the common sleeper shark. One of the reasons is that it is vertically migratory, meaning it only comes anywhere near the surface at night. CMHypno from Other Side of the Sun on May 20, 2014: Interesting hub cryptid. As they were dependent on tropical waters, the drop in ocean temperatures is likely to have resulted in a significant loss of habitat. Our shows take you to the frontiers of science and make the most complex ideas and theories entertaining and accessible. Since the average depth of the ocean is around 14,000 feet, that means the Megalodon Shark, even if it has evolved to live in very deep water, could, in theory, exist in numerous places around the world. There were megalodons later. Getting bitten by this beast would feel like. You could submerge Mount Everest into it and still have 2 km (1.3 mi) to spare. Scientists believe that the megalodon's oldest ancestor was the Otodus Obliquus, which lived in the deep ocean more than 55 million years ago. However, for the sake of the argument, lets imagine how life would look like if the megalodon never went extinct. I hope they still live because it would be extraordinary to see or find one. The Megamouth Shark is a massive fish reaching 20 feet in length or more. From single celled organisms to sea creatures and more. Well, its teeth and bones might not be in great shape. What if there is an unknown massive superpredator that evolved to live in deep waters that can support the population of Megalodons? And how would the Mariana Trench make this apex predator more docile?Transcript and sources: The Apex Predator01:04 We Know More About Mars Than our Oceans02:42 How would the megalodon shark get its food?04:21 What are piezolytes?Questions or concerns? After all, could the Megalodons have been the dolphins/apes of ancient times? While the megalodon does not exist any longer, the vast ocean is still deeply unexplored, leaving us with millions of unanswered questions. One reason we know this is because of fossil teeth and vertebrae left behind. a camera cant see in that kind of darkness. So why do some people think it could still exist in the Mariana Trench and other deep places in the ocean? Great white sharks came to the scene around 6 million years ago, inhabiting only the Pacific. In fact, if it were still alive in the deepest point of the ocean, the Mariana trench, we would know about it at this point. 8 miles) below the ocean's surface. This makes the ocean floor in the Mariana Trench the oldest in the world, dating back around 180 million years. Its appearance and the maximum size are debatable, and the assumptions we have today are based on the size of its teeth. On 4 October 2016, the Facebook page Buzz Channel published a video purportedly showing a 50-foot megaladon (a gigantic species of shark that has been extinct for millions of years) at the bottom of the MarianaTrench, the deepest part of Pacific Ocean: Absolutely Terrifying #Breaking #50ftShark. When the Earth cooled, the megalodon was forced out of its comfortable tropical and sub-tropical regions and into cooler waters where it could not continue surviving. The Megalodon (Otodus megalodon), is an extinct species of shark, arguably one of the largest, if not the largest marine predator that has ever lived. The Mariana Trench is about as remote as it gets, and even a massive shark would be very hard to find. What If the World Lost Oxygen for Five Seconds? the most common sightings are in the Mariana Treach. Firstly, the trench is too deep for the animal to survive in. And to navigate in total darkness, it would have to either become bioluminescent or grow massive eyes like the giant squid. But that brings us back to our original problem: If a 60-foot predatory shark is still out there, and still lives around the world, we should see the evidence. Megalodon is NOT alive today, it went extinct around 3.5 million years ago. A new study has once again confirmed that this is not the case. They preferred warmer waters, and with the colder temperatures, their natural habitat started to reduce, resulting in fewer numbers of megalodon sharks. While the largest sharks in the world are well-known due to their near-surface behaviors, there are others who are much more reclusive. No cell phones, electricity or even other humans. Researchers say their teeth are also commonly found around Australia and Morocco, though you can even find them around the UK. I suppose it will take a dead Megalodon being found somewhere to prove it or, unfortunately, someone not just sighting the huge shark but also managing to catch and kill it. But its a only small Would you ever venture into the ocean if you knew this creature could be lurking beneath you? It is possible that megalodon is still alive, looking at it from a biblical point of view, because of the flood any prehistoric sea creatures to still be alive. the only way to know is to go down there and live. To inquire about a licence to reproduce material, visit our Syndication site. At first, many thought it was a Pacific Sleeper Shark. This content is accurate and true to the best of the authors knowledge and is not meant to substitute for formal and individualized advice from a qualified professional. Both shark species coexisted during the Pliocene Epoch, about 2.6 to 5.3 million years ago, and may have hunted some of the same prey. What If Columbus Never Discovered America? And their suspicions have been fuelled by several unexplained videos posted on the web said to show the giant beast thriving today. Unlikely. The giant's terrifying jaws were lined with 276 teeth - measuring up to an incredible seven inches in length. And while youre there, maybe youd be up for a little research project. Great whites first showed up on Earth about six million years ago, and at first, they were confined to the Pacific. Could this be the last remaining Megalodon? ' No. Anything is possible. The temperature hovers around 2 C (35.6 F) all year round. The huge predator can be seen swimming over what seems to be an. However, because its cartilage is so soft compared to its teeth, there are only very rare circumstances in which we find well-preserved soft tissue. Also, the Mariana Trench has extreme pressures of roughly 16,000 psi which would crush the Megalodon. However, the giant megalodon was still around three times longer compared to the world's largest great white sharks. And it could have the Portuguese dogfish and the Greenland shark on the menu. 3 things that can happen 1 it dies from starvation 2 it dies from the pressure 3 it dies from the cold there's literally no fucking way for the meg to live in the mariana trench 2 3 Quora User Morgan Stanley Alum & Chief Financial Officer at Masterworks Updated Feb 8 Promoted Please keep these people away from the voting booths! Human bones and bones of other large marine animals are typically made of mineral calcium phosphate, which hardens and is fossilized much easier. The giant's terrifying jaws were lined with 276 teeth - measuring up to . Take even the big mouth shark that wasn't even discovered until 1976 because they normally swim from 400-500 feet under water durring the day and only come up to about 100-200 ft during the night. Some believe this footage, which has remerged after being filmed in 2018, is proof the sharks are not extinct and it has sparked a debate online. Did the megalodon evolve, and its still alive, hiding in the deep ocean? As for what it eats probably squid, tunia, and maybe whales. To put the length into perspective, in 1,500 miles you could fit all the states between Florida and Massachusetts. So we are finding new animals all the time. Scientists have not captured concrete evidence of Mega, yet. Science tells us that Megalodon sharks are extinct. 10 Different Types of Cobras (With Pictures), 10 Different Types of Crocodiles (With Pictures), 2 Different Types of Alligators (With Pictures). Would you be able to survive in this new world? The deepest part of the Mariana Trench, Challenger Deep, stretches 10,984 m (36,037 ft) down. The megalodon had a cosmopolitan distribution, it preferred warmer waters, and its main prey were whales, sea turtles, and seals. The Mariana Trench is the deepest underwater place there is. She says the creature would have eaten large prey such as whales and other sharks, but there are no reports of whales being attacked by a predator large enough to be a megalodon. A GIANT 100-ton prehistoric shark which ate everything it its path is still lurking in the Earth's deepest oceans - say internet conspiracy theorists. People who believe that the megalodon is still alive think that it may exist in the deep, unexplored parts of the world's oceans - such as the Mariana Trench in the Western Pacific. The Megalodon (Otodus megalodon), is an extinct species of shark, arguably one of the largest, if not the largest marine predator that has ever lived. An expert on ancient sharks told National Geographic that he is not convinced that just one species can cause such a decline. The last place that megalodon sharks would go if they were still alive would be the Mariana Trench. The consent submitted will only be used for data processing originating from this website. Fast forward 2 million years and the great white shark had spread all across the globe. As scientists study the fossil record more and more, it is becoming quite obvious that megalodons lived alongside great whites. Trench Shark Teeth Found in Arizona it has the possibility to have eat'n small fish and survived and if so it would be smaller compared to its normal size because of pressure and it would be very sensitive to light. Its deepest point, Challenger Deep, reaches to a depth of nearly 11,000 meters (36,000 feet or nearly 7 miles). Without it, life on Earth would be over very quickly. The megalodon has gained somewhat of a mythical reputation over the past few decades. At its deepest, it is estimated at nearly 10,000 feet. The Brit expert writes: Unusually large, unidentified sharks are still being reported from time to time. What If is presented by Underknown, a production company creating a variety of short-doc series that search for the underlying truth of how our world operates and how it came to be. The reality is that with so little research, it is impossible to know what lies in the depths of the Mariana Trench.Subscribe to Bright Side : Social Media:Facebook: Crafts Youtube: more videos and articles visit: The name Megalodon means big tooth. Most of the recovered Megalodon fossil teeth have been 4 to 5. Youre in the deepest part of our oceans. With sharks constantly losing teeth to the murky depths, it is no wonder collectors are so easily able to find fossilized teeth on the ocean floor! Is it really possible that small populations of Megalodon Sharks evolved to feed on prey in very deep water, and because of this managed to avoid extinction? They were top-level predators thathunted and ate whales, using their hugeteeth and powerful jawsto devour their prey. Many megalodon teeth have been found off of the North American east coast, between the saltwater creek bottoms and coastlines of North Carolina and Florida. 3838 Camino Del Rio N #102 San Diego, CA 92108. Taking a fresh look at the fossil record, researchers are now proposing that this mega marine creature may have been killed off by none other than the modern great white shark ( Carcharodon carcharias ). The Otodus megalodon had a rostrum (nose) that was much shorter compared to the great white shark. Plus, their jaws were also a bit flatter than that of the great white. As always you can unsubscribe at any time. Dr Karl Shuker, a leading cryptozoologist, has dedicated his life to researching animals thought to be extinct. So, it is possible science may once again reverse its position on maximum megalodon size, if or when more information becomes available. Can we make any comparisons between Megalodon and great whites, or any other living sharks? I would like to think that Megalodon is still out there somewhere in the depths of the ocean. According to scientists, the great white sharks outcompeted the megalodon and drove it to extinction. Some sharks can lose entire sets of teeth every week, depending on what they eat. No large fish has even been found at these extreme depths. For example, megalodon vertebrae have been found, which are about as large as your average food plate. Like you have said in another article , only 5% of our oceans have been explored, so what about the other 95% that is left untouched? Ill Take a deep breath. This was especially true for the megalodon, who depended on tropical and sub-tropical waters for life. Surf Researcher is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to, & Before 2000, a probe was dropped of a research ship to take water samples at lower depths in the Mariana trench. For one, no shark has ever been recorded living down there, let alone one as big as a Megalodon. O. megalodon was not only the biggest shark in the world, but one of the largest fish ever to exist. Instead, he suggests the authors may have overlooked other culprits, like the modern tiger shark, which also shared similar territory to the juvenile megalodon. When the probe surfaced and was inspected on the deck, enormous gorge marks were found in the metalwork and multiple cables were torn. Megalodon really did exist. Huge New Study Shows Why Exercise Should Be The First Choice in Treating Depression, A World-First Discovery Hints at The Sounds Non-Avian Dinosaurs Made, For The First Time Ever, Physicists See Molecules Form Through Quantum Tunneling. One of the reasons the megamouth remained hidden from science for so long was because it is believed to exhibit a pattern of diurnal vertical migration. Thats because with the intense pressure of the Mariana Trench, proteins and calcium start to dissolve and disintegrate. Studies reconstructing the shark's bite force suggest it may have been one of the most powerful predators ever to have lived. I believe the stories of these fishermen are not fabricated and they are seeing a very, very large shark of some sort! Just because we have encountered alien life, does not mean it's not out there. And how would the Mariana Trench make this apex predator more docile? This fact alone is enough for most researchers to conclude that Megalodon is extinct. If Megalodon still exists and feeds on whales, we'd see evidence on whales that survived attacks, just as we see evidence of great white shark attacks on lucky seals that managed to escape. The Megalodon shark has first shown up around 23 million years ago and ruled the oceans till 3.6 million ago when it finally disappeared. But, the discovery of these species doesnt correlate with the existence of the megalodon. There is no mistaking the 15 cm (6 in) teeth of the largest apex predator, the megalodon. Others cope by being very small and needing less food to survive. What If Megalodon Sharks Never Went Extinct? These scientists say the megalodon evolved from the Cretalamna appendiculata, a creature dating back more than 105 million years. The megalodon was the last shark in a completely different lineage of sharks from more than 3.5 million years ago. To view the purposes they believe they have legitimate interest for, or to object to this data processing use the vendor list link below. 1.3M views 1 year ago #Megalodon #WhatIf #MarianaTrench There is no mistaking the 15 cm (6 in) teeth of the largest apex predator, the megalodon. What If Earth Reached Boiling Point for 5 Seconds? It would make much more sense if it lived closer to the surface. The megalodon was so strong and powerful that it could crash small boats with its jaws. I think the megaladon is still alive but we are very unsafe if it is, I believe the Megalodon is still out there but I dont know for sure because after that meteor hit earth the dinosaurs Went extinct and the Megalodon live in the Marian trench thats super deep But I dont know if it Lived or not. I don't think this shark is still out there because there is no real evidence that this big shark is still out there. In fact, the term "megalodon" actually means "large tooth.". What Would Happen if We Dig a Hole Straight Through Earth. We know primarily about Megalodon's existence through fossilized teeth. In fact, one of Megalodon's ancient competitors was a massive predatory Sperm Whale with foot-long teeth known as Livyatan Melvillei. No, it specialized in hunting whales which go up to the surface to breath air. I think the Megalodon The shark is in the marian trench. Do any sharks live in the trenches? So now that we can come to the conclusion that the megalodon extinction was an event from long ago, the new question becomes. I like to think fishermen know the difference between a whale shark and something else, but you never know what they really saw. This fact alone is enough for most researchers to conclude that Megalodon is extinct. Do any sharks live that deep? hi megalodon are the best animal in the world. Science tells us that Megalodon sharks are extinct. The last place that megalodon sharks would go if they were still alive would be the Mariana Trench. Great white sharks are frequent visitors to the Sea of Cortez as well, and some have been known to dive to surprising depths. What If We Turned Earth Into a Spaceship? At one time many parts of the world thought the world was flat so you can see that now we look back and laugh. For further details of our complaints policy and to make a complaint please click this link:, Many believe this startling image proves the megalodon survived extinction, The massive killer was three times longer and 60 times heavier than the largest ever recorded great white shark, This image reportedly captured on Google Earth has set tongues wagging, It's estimated the megalodon'sjaw would span 2.7 by 3.4metreswide, If the 60-foot prehistoric shark Megalodon is still out there, this is what the super Jaws could look like, This photo - later proven to be faked - was said to have been seized after the Second World War, The tooth of a megalodon next to that of a 5m great white shark, Jason Statham takes on a gigantic shark in official trailer for The Meg, Some believe megalodon's may be hiding out in the depths of our deepest oceans, The horror film The Meg will hit cinema screen across Britain on Friday, Wildlife experts say there is no evidence the giants are still talking our waters, The megalodon used its powerful teeth to devour its prey - which included whales, Jason Statham joined by Rosie Huntington-Whiteley for blue carpet premiere of prehistoric shark drama The Meg in LA, 100-ton prehistoric shark featured in new movie The Meg is believed to still lurk in the ocean say conspiracy theorists, Inside sinister rise of pink cocaine sweeping UK nightclubs as warring cartels battle to control 'Coca Cola of drugs', We live on Britain's WORST street - it's rife with drug addicts, crime & prostitutes we're terrified for our lives, Man 'naked and covered in blood' arrested before mum found 'murdered' at home as neighbours reveal hearing screams, Leicester 'explosion': Listen to massive 'sonic' boom that shook homes and rattled windows.