THIS WILL ONLY WORK IF SAUL IS THE ONLY ONE THAT DIES.The cutscene where he dies will play as normal. I skipped to the unknown world at a very low level having not done most of the story by randomly talking to a floating droid in the navigation room of the Ebon Hawk. Ok, So when you are in the academy, instantly talk to Yuthura Ban. I would suggest going back to a save before you travelled to the Jedi Enclave though. As you approach the Enclave there is a dead end path to the south that leads to a battle against a group of kath hounds. She will ask you if you have connections to a Jedi named Vrook. After killing Vrook, Azkul will pay you for your help. 3) Captain Riiken This is the captain that is guarding the tower where Dhagon Ghent is being held. There are a lot of them, but they fall quickly. So I went to Korrabian and I was about to go to the valley of the sith and calo Nord was there. By accepting all cookies, you agree to our use of cookies to deliver and maintain our services and site, improve the quality of Reddit, personalize Reddit content and advertising, and measure the effectiveness of advertising. Next in line is a lady called Terlyn with two kids. , You will face a mine field and a few royalist troops on the way up the ramp. The second option is to confront him in the Western Square once youve freed Dhagon Ghent. She will give you a key card that provides access to all of the locked doors in the building. You an also play Pazaak with him for up to 250 credits per game. ), I do not know what caused this but if anyone knows please edit the information in. By accepting all cookies, you agree to our use of cookies to deliver and maintain our services and site, improve the quality of Reddit, personalize Reddit content and advertising, and measure the effectiveness of advertising. All rights reserved. At the end of this path is a lever that will help to open the main gate. When I got to the temple entrance chanting cutscene on the unknown planet, only Juhani showed up, and the cutscene ended with her still standing there. There is a way to get infinite experience on Korriban. Then, strike him down and take the power for yourself. Or that you should go to Dantooine? However, I have found that if Calo Nord is dead when you kill Davik, the cutscene will not happen, you cannot enter the Ebon Hawk and you will have to restart either from your last save or your game depending on what saves you use. Any suggestions on how to fix this because I can't find a way and korriban was my second planet and I didn't save before entering the tomb of tulak hord since this has never happened through 10 different pc playthroughs? Did you do the second half of Onderon yet? Save your game when you land. First, disable all of the mines on the eastern and western sides of the building. Disable his terminal and the door in the center of the area will swing open. Next youll find Tolas who also wants a Starport Visa and is prepared to pay 2,000 credits (3,000 credits with Persuade) for it. When you enter the thrown room, if you have the battle meditation force power you can use it to rally the troops against the royal guards. I did some research and learned that KOTOR2 was made by Obsidian, which I never knew. Display as a link instead, This will earn you some dark side points. Search Vrook's corpse for some lightsabre upgrades and then leave the planet. As most people don't do Onderon first, this is usually when they do the other planets and he contacts them later on. Once they are all dead, walk out side the bridge and the door should close like always. i thought talking with Kreia solves the "Galactic History: Bonus Mission" which should still be an option to do since you haven't used that dialogue option yet, unless it goes away with time or it got messed-up and didn't register as finished, but in my experience, it wouldn't have an effect on game progression. All rights reserved. Back: Knights of the Old Republic 2 Walkthrough, Copyright If you went to Dantooine already after all that and nothing happens once you enter the enclave (ie: no cut-scene with Kreia and the Maters), than yeah, you're game is fracked. When Kreia interrupts the battle he is almost at his end. Speak to a man named Nallek here and he will seek a confrontation. Any glitches that only affect a single NPC are documented on that NPC's article.Hot. However, if you then put a grenade and the synthesizer in the pile, the cutscene in which the rancor dies will play. The correct entries are: Multiply, Subtract, Add, Multiply You receive lightsaber components for solving the riddle. Kelson6 I know for a fact I finished everything on korriban, but I just got the last star map and then went back to get some goods. It says "Jedi_Found: 3". Edit: Apparently, I can just walk into the Dantooine academy without the Kreia conversation. If you talk to her, does she give the normal talk? Or that you should go to Dantooine? Are you sure you found all Masters? After this fight you will slay the queen with some help from your allies. By rejecting non-essential cookies, Reddit may still use certain cookies to ensure the proper functionality of our platform. (Ps. New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast, A subreddit for fans of BioWare's classic 2003 RPG Star Wars: *Knights of the Old Republic*, Obsidian Entertainment's 2004 sequel *Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic II: The Sith Lords*, and the upcoming *Knights of the Old Republic: Remake*, Press J to jump to the feed. Ah, so the quest doesnt update because i didnt go to M4-78? WebStar Wars Knights of the Old Republic 3 - The Jedi Masters is the unofficial successor of Knights of the Old Republic 2 - The Sith Lords. 1) Exit to Mandalorian ruins You wont be able to leave Onderon until you have completed your main quests and met with Kavar. My character is a soldier and I had just became a Jedi. Youll be faced with more of Vaklus soldiers and various Bounty Hunters along the way. New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast, A subreddit for fans of BioWare's classic 2003 RPG Star Wars: *Knights of the Old Republic*, Obsidian Entertainment's 2004 sequel *Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic II: The Sith Lords*, and the upcoming *Knights of the Old Republic: Remake*, Press J to jump to the feed. The goal of searching the archive is the far eastern room where a man called The Disciple waits in the archives. Captain Riiken: You have two options here. WebOnce the battle is complete and you have found all of the lost Jedi you can now enter the Rebuilt Jedi Enclave. If you already completed the game once why do you think you need Atris to continue? There is a workbench here as well as some loot. How do I fix this? Once inside the tomb you will have to face Sith Lords and generals. If you have M4-78 EP installed and you haven't visited M4-78, you haven't found all of them. If you do this process several times in a row, it will add 125XP every time. I have found that if you use Master Speed and kill him before ANY OTHER ENEMY! 1) Exit to Mandalorian ruins You wont Upload or insert images from URL. But worse then that is while the cutscenes plays after I destroy the sith fighters the conversation starts and then in between audio dialouge carth desides he has fatal case of post traumatic 1000 yard stare and stops talking so the next dialouge doesn't happen.ever I have restarted several time and I'll keep trying but the game just stops mid cutscene. Moustache- Do you have Mira/Hanharr and Go-to in your party? She describes a Holocron that told her that the Jedi are all dead. She is a former padawan and wields her own lightsaber, though she is relatively unskilled and weak. Korriban/M4-78 were my last planet. There are divergent paths inside the tomb. Overload the terminal and Captain Bustuco will be killed. I've been playing it almost every day since. Ask him for a reward and then kill him for the artifacts in his bag. These are glitches that can result in a player advantage of some form. Submitted by "guest": I was on Korriban and had just completed the Star Map, and chose to side with Uthar. Submitted by UnfortunatelyHuman: I was on Manaan when I discovered that Jolee had the "I am broken; so very very broken glitch. The Masters all look at one another: If your character is male, the Handmaiden now walks in: After T3-M4 has shown the holo record of your trial, Bao-Dur speaks to you in the garage: Bao-Dur then turns his attention to upgrading T3-M4: Bao-Dur kneels down and starts working on T3: You now stand at the exit ramp of the Ebon Hawk. Strangest thing ever. Yep, she gives me the normal talk with no added options. I'm assuming this glitch is extremely rare, considering I've never heard anyone complain about it before. Character going to level one and being fully in the darkside, also the chariters look changes. After this, I highly suggest playing K1 if you haven't, and at some point replaying 2 with widescreen. Or you can overload the terminal next to the droids and blow them all to hell. 5) Beast Riders Panar & Bakkel At first Panar is here and once youve freed Ghent will be replaced with Bakkel, the leader of the Beast Riders. Time consuming to abuse, certainlybut an easy and very early way to get experience padding. hi, this makes sense. WebThis article documents the common and notorious glitches that you are likely to encounter when playing the game of KOTOR. Is it on 5? Ah, so the quest doesnt update because i didnt go to M4-78? Submitted by Mage: (does not work) If you want your character remain at level 1 and get off the Endar Spire, here is how. This area is filled with kinrath, but by this time you have become powerful enough to wipe them from the fields without much effort. Did not have any luck editing the quests with KSE. Did not have any luck editing the quests with KSE. There is nothing you personally have to do to cue that. If so, did you complete that planet? Threaten the fool and take the holocron from him as punishment. The first one has been in my Steam library forever, but I never played more than about 5 hours of it. Met/Killed Vrook - You tell me did you? Just make sure to keep healing and using medpacks and soon his health will drain to nothing. Create an account to follow your favorite communities and start taking part in conversations. Music will also lag. Yeah, if you don't talk to Kreia about the history right after leaving Peragus that quest gets forever stuck in your journal. WebElise's Lover Side Quest - Dantooine (Kotor 1) Start Location: Courtyard Cut Off Point: Leviathan (after finding 4 Star Maps) Reward: 150xp and Dark Side Points if you lie to Elise or trick her. As it stands im stuck without being able to progress in the game. This is very problematic, as you CANNOT progress in the game. OK, sorry about resurrecting a thread that seems to be long dead, but I have a similar problem. (ps. When I re spawned my character was naked. 844 ratings. Submitted by Bo: On Taris Upper city you're supposed to go to the cantina and talk to a Sith officer who will invite you to a party. Then, use the computer terminal to set them against the Khoonda troops. Services managed and hosted by Atris: We have not lost a Jedi this day. Thanks for the tip, ill make sure to complete M4-78 then. :'). , you might try reloading. Take the stuff form the body`s a datapad will say take the jedi (master Vrook) to the crystal cave (same as kinrath cave.) , The crystal caves are directly east of the town. There you will find a Twi'lek Jedi named Bolook. You can sell the moister vaporator he drops to one of the farmers back at the Khoonda. , After the assault on the base begins you will face Master Vrook at the center of the base. While I love the damned wookie, I would also love to have my other characters back. For this quest you are going to need stealth, demolitions, and repair abilities to fully take advantage of the environment. Try to confront him away from any civilians otherwise theyll start asking questions. I tried again and the same thing happened, but the original Juhani wasn't replaced, it was copied. Submitted by Tri-Edge:Apparently, there is a glitch where after you save your game and leave your ship; everyone on your entire party is replaced by Zaalbaar. You can choose to take a quest from him that involves killing the hoards of kinrath that infest the caves on the Khoonda plain. Note: This is ONLY to be used to report spam, advertising, and problematic (harassment, fighting, or rude) posts. Then, use repair skill to detonate the power generator at the tunnel exit. Did you search around the apartments and find the Sith mugging? So go to the kinrath cave and head down to That's exactly what I was looking for, so I bought it on Steam for $10. 4) Dhagon Ghents Laboratory Speak with the Thug outside the laboratory to find out the Dhagon Ghent is being held in the tower in the Merchant Quarter, the one being guarded by Captain Riiken. She suggests that you go to the city center. To avoid this make constant saves, just incase this glitch happens to you. Star Wars Knights of the Old Republic II: The Sith Lords, Pillars of Eternity: Lords of the Eastern Reach.