Answer (1 of 11): 1. Priase Jesus! Its called These Black EyesWhen people are bored and have a ton of time and ideas on their hands, they tend to ramble on and on. J.R.R. By rejecting non-essential cookies, Reddit may still use certain cookies to ensure the proper functionality of our platform. This also has a large impact on Rons character development. While the third and final arc of These Black Eyes will never be reposted because its own author thinks its terrible, Subspace Emissary is still going strong. And that can be a problem on his own because he has no idea where her loyalties lie. Contact Joseph Bernstein at Fan Fics, all of which have to be signed to stay on the page. In this fanfic, we see an alternate universe for Avatar: The Last Airbender. Another massive one is 'The Games We Play' which sits at roughly 1.05 million words. The fanfiction is called Subspace Emissary Worlds Conquest, based on the popular fighting game Super Smash Bros Brawl's. adventure mode, the Subspace Emissary. He is a lot darker than the Ron we know and makes decisions that are quite questionable. I just googled "Longest Fiction", and it seems we are still behind some Smash Bros fanfic. Because of how there are many characters, I'd have to cross a hell lot of hurdles from their creators to get permission to do an official adaptation. To put that number into context: most of the longest novels ever only have a little over a million words in them. There may be minor violence without serious injury, mild . So Ron is a Slytherin now, and his friends are somewhat different than we are used to. Shortskirtsandexplosions claims to have a non-pony fic that exceeds a million words, and knowing how verbose his prose is, it wouldn't surprise me at all. Thats three times longer than Proust, and six times longer than War and Peace. What was the first fanfiction ever written? It is, in my own opinion, very well written and I have actually managed to read the entirety of it. Now, people will probably scoff at the mere thought of including non-Nintendo worlds in this, as the characters in this story are most likely never going to be seen outside their worlds, like for example Yoshi in a Resident Evil place (relax, he was never seen there), so I laid out some rules. Jumped to a random chapter and it's literally just a retelling of the Lord of the Rings films including very large excerpts that appear to be copy pasted from Wikipedia. But what of the quality? Suddenly, yo. Im a 16 year-old. The Enchanted Duplicator by Walt Willis and Bob Shaw was a metafiction based on Bunyan's The Pilgrim's Progress, but which described a world populated with sci-fi fans. Current word count? The world's longest work of fiction is a Super Smash Bros. fanfic titled "The Subspace Emissary's Worlds Conquest." Written by a Spanish-speaking college junior who wanted to improve his English, it has over 3.5 million words, which makes it twice the length of the world's longest novel, and 6+ times longer than War and Peace. Besides, who doesnt want a 6-foot-tall Pokmon to accompany them on their action adventures? And I believe Harry Potter fandom has some that broke the million mark. If I could bring myself to crank out even 20k of pure nonsense, I'd be doing well. This doesn't really qualify as literature IMO, it's just a bunch of words. 3.5 million words, and counting. complete answer From there, the large sequel came about. That's a sustained rate of more than five thousand words per day on average. Licenses, Support us Interesting frame of reference Diary of a Madman is currently at a word count of 1,762,144 the entire Harry Potter series, all 7 books, was 1,084,170 not even 2/3 that length. By accepting all cookies, you agree to our use of cookies to deliver and maintain our services and site, improve the quality of Reddit, personalize Reddit content and advertising, and measure the effectiveness of advertising. SubStar That would be pretty rad if that ever happened. The Subspace Emissary's Worlds Conquest is a fanfic loosely based on Super Smash Bros. Brawl, and it's over 3,500,000 words long. A Gravity Falls fangirl wakes up inside the body of Bill Cipher. Ron discovers that he can see into the future, which turns his entire life and fate upside down. The new longest fanfiction on this particular website is about Lord . Fimfiction is in no way affiliated with or endorsed by Hasbro Inc.. I worked briefly with a autistic man who would spend all shift reciting the entire Smurfs trilogy scene for scene with commentary, so this seems in line. is the world's largest fanfiction archive and forum. This is a story that is a crossover between a massive amount of fandoms, including: The main focus is on the villains from all these stories and how they learn the power of friendship. 2324334 If you're looking for longest fanfiction, or even longest stories in general, look no further than TV Tropes! Since the day Super Smash Bros. Brawl was released in North America. I'll let you decide; here's a small excerpt from an update on July 3rd of this year: The flying fist about to crash and crush Chris's head against the invisible wall made his body react, diving to the left. For people who might not have the time or the literacy in Super Smash Bros. to read your work, can you summarize the plot? Most '90s kids will remember the eccentric educational TV series Bill Nye the Science Guy, and it turns . These fingers of mine are in love with keyboards. If one thinks "what's the longest piece of literature?", then this is the first fanfiction they think of - a Super Smash Brothers fanfic spanning over 4.1 million words. This one sits at 1,842,322 words, and is still in progress, last updated on the 5th of August, 2018. The feral monster then charged an Aura Sphere that took several seconds to finish. You might say that AuraChannelerChris, the author of Subspace Emissary, has a tendency to wax verbose. Previously, the record is held by a Kantai Collection fanfic "Ambience: A Fleet Symphony" by Hieda no Akyuu with 4,556,264 words (last updated April 2019). It chronicles the adventures of hero Jophan in "the land of Mundane". What is the longest thing ever written 2021? The site is split into ten main categories: anime/manga, books, cartoons, miscellaneous, games . K+: Some content may not be suitable for young children, usually those below nine years of age. That arc was amazing in my eyes, as there was a lot of time travel hijinks, a pretty emotional development between Link and Lucca, and the seriousness of the mission at hand. The Enchanted Duplicator by Walt Willis and Bob Shaw was a metafiction based on Bunyan's The Pilgrim's Progress, but which described a world populated with sci-fi fans. I'd rather have the title go to that godforsaken "Ambience" than a fucking troll who's behind the times. It's The Subspace Emissary's Worlds Conquest, and it's a Super Smash Bros. WIP (work-in-progress) on Six Anime Characters With Permanent Invitations To 'The Cookout'. According to TvTropes, the longest well-known fanfic of all time is 'The Subspace Emissary's worlds Conquest', at a total of 3.5 million words and still going (Making it not only the longest fanfic ever written, but the longest single piece of fiction ever written!). For the record thats more than 6.25 Les Miserables! The longest genuine (non-gibberish) fanfics I'm aware of are from the My Little Pony fandom. Honestly, Smash Bros Fanfiction Isn't a bad Idea. The Subspace Emissary's Worlds Conquest - Super Smash Brothers (3,357,528 words) These Black Eyes - Teen Titans (2,579,204 words) Trial by Tenderness - Oh My Goddess! He lives in Arizona. Still, the fact this man literally created a piece of literature that, as of now, is 4,102,328 words long, that is entirely dedicated as a Smash fanfic. Literally. Yes, that's right. It's one of the longest fan-fics on and definitely the longest . At least he's applying himself and he has an incredible work ethic. In this world, the Fire Nation is in charge of two important nations now that there is no Avatar. 1. Random plot points come out nowhere and just take over the story, with no warning! FPS DIESEL: is literally the longest thing ever written ever, isnt that crazy!!! K+: Some content may not be suitable for young children, usually those below nine years of age. The story revolves around Lucario venturing out into the expanded Super Smash Bros. universe to save his friends from the evil wizard, Meta Knight, who has unleashed evil mind-controlling smash balls to create an army to take over the world. Much of Fimfiction's functionality requires javascript so we suggest you turn it on. it's a weird mixture of (bad) fiction and playwriting. Or, a bear is faux-isekai'd into three alternate universes, courtesy of two godlike hand brothers from another universe. And this fan-fiction has nearly three times as many words as that. 2324346It ain't Past Sins. The world's longest work of fiction is a Super Smash Bros. fanfic titled "The Subspace Emissary's Worlds Conquest." Written by a Spanish-speaking college junior who wanted to improve his English, it has over 3.5 million words, which makes it twice the length of the world's longest novel, and 6+ times longer than War and Peace. You are in the world of smash ultimate. Extinction. If they based this Noise on Lucario completely, wouldn't that mean he's inhumanly strong?!" The word fighter is Spelled "figthers". This is a fanic about the Harry Potter world, but its main focus is Ron Weasley. If one was to read through this entire fanfic (or just skim through the first & last updated chapter of the fanfic), he might not see any writing improvement at all. The story is a selection of the adventures written down by the scholar. So the fan fic is long. For starters, it's a sequel to The Bond of Aura that tells about my OC [original character] named Chris who has a fateful encounter with a special Lucario [a species of Pokemon], who is scared and curious of what has happened to him after ending up in the real world where there are no Pokmon or battles. I hope this article has helped you find some of the longest fanfiction you may not have otherwise known about! Follow us 2324334 Word-wise: Diaries of a Madman?Chapter Wise: Dunno, DoaM again maybe? Another notable author who supports fanfiction is J.K. Rowling, who has said that she is very flattered by the fact there is such great interest in her Harry Potter series and that people take the time to write their own stories. However, she is also on the side of the authors who are hesitant to support fanfiction . It was the release date of the game "Super Smash Bros. Brawl", and he was greatly looking forward to play it along with a very special person who took residence in his house half a year ago. However, to be fair, this could be due to the fact (for some writers) that once the tone & writing style are set for the story, it is not as easy to change it midway through the story (most of the time, it could even break the flow of the story). Because there are over 40 main characters running around, character development comes in several different doses. The rest of the cast do have other people to talk to, which leads to varying degrees of development. Man, I really wasn't paying attention to the word count, it's way past Worm then. One Super Smash Bros. Brawl copy leads to the discovery that there are many worlds (or rather, video games) out there separated from the real world, and that said worlds are being targeted by Tabuu [a boss from Brawl] and his Subspace Army to expand the Subspace realm. Not sure how much proofreading and planning you can add onto that., Copy/pasting a phrase a million times and posting it as separate chapters isn't creative writing. The site is split into ten main categories: anime/manga, books, cartoons, miscellaneous, games, comics, movies, plays/musicals, TV shows, and crossover. This column is a reprint from Unwinnable Monthly #146. The Chrono Trigger arc in particular had so many moments I can't begin to describe. If your interest has been piqued, you can read the start of the fic here. The story also recommends tracks to listen to during key events to give a more realistic feeling. Appearing in the Oxford English Dictionary, this 45-letter word for a disease is the longest English word that is defined in a major dictionary. By comparison, Prousts famously dense novel about the French aristocracy is only 1.2 million words long. No hate, please!" It then began to shoot Aura Sphere after Aura Sphere. What is the longest piece of literature in human history? Future Shock - Cameron AKA Nobody - TSCC Season 3. TIL The single longest piece of literature in human history is a fan-fiction. We got lots of awesome Bakugan and it was amazing. Club Create an account to follow your favorite communities and start taking part in conversations. It would be great if the prose improved substantially over time. # 1. FIMfiction doesn't seem to update such things. Staff Heres what we get when our hero is introduced: Hello, Im Chris. Super Smash Bros. The Subspace Emissary's Worlds Conquest is a fanfiction that is over 3,500,000 words long and loosely based on Super Smash Bros. Brawl. Many, many stories. Every chapter is a new episode from a season of the show. 1,079 users online And it is. It takes place in an alternate universe and diverges quite a lot from canon. The longest known ponyfic is probably 'Diary of a Madman', at 1.3 million words. 2324334I direct you towards this page from Tv Tropes. Start a new thread to share your experiences with like-minded people. 2324334 the only LONG fanfiction I've read is "The Angel of Equestria". It had been a long battle for survival, but he managed to stop the imbeciles from defeating him for real. All Chris asked, not wanting to take a look at his pursuer. I remember reading a HP fanfic which did get to the point it was bigger than the whole series at >1.1M words.